prayer wall
This prayer wall is for anyone to submit prayer requests and praises. We encourage everyone to frequently visit this link and spend time praying over the requests and praises. Make sure to push the “I prayed for this” button once you’ve prayed. Let’s see how God moves in and through our church! You are loved.
You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! So very sorry if I’m overdoing my welcome here. But I’ve come again asking for prayers for my husband John. He is in the hospital again He will have to celebrate his birthday there as today, 11/25, is his birthday. Not at all what I had in mind for his birthday celebration. Thanking each and everyone of you for taking a few minutes out of your day to offer up prayers for him. Please pray for Mike’s Job situation. He’s trying to get other work but needs to get out of the one he has now . It’s just complicated. Thank you so much . Need urgent prayer for a friend who is in a very unsafe combat zone wanting favor and permission to obtain a much deserved allotted vacation leave NEEDS the funds required for his departure given by government ruled because of necessary safety issues. VERY CRUCIAL that he returns home ASAP. ALSO MUCH PRAYER IS NEEDED FOR A GOOD REPORT FROM MY SCHEDULED APPOINTMENT MONDAY NOVEMBER 25 FROM AN MRI DUE TO A FALL I HAD IN JULY. HAVE BEEN IN MUCH PAIN. PRAYING GODS PROTECTION FOR FAVOR SAFETY AND HEALING AND QUICK RELEASE FROM A VERY INTENSE COMBAT ZONE. THIS PERSON WHO IS NEEDING HIS VACATION ALLOTED TIME HAS A DAUGHTER THAT HAS PHYSICAL ISSUES AND HE JUST NEEDS TO B THERE TO SEE TO HER ISSUES Please pray for Tia Sub. She needs prayer not only for her own strength, but for her son, Teegan. He was in Children's Hospital for 3 days last week with severe stomach pains and has to undergo more outpatient testing. She's getting "hit" from all sides and needs prayers to help her get through this difficulty and for Teegan to be well again. Hi, I wanted to ask for prayer for my grandma Christine. She's currently in the hospital, and we could really use some prayers for her recovery and strength. My grandson, Elijah (a junior in high school), has been suffering for years with acute/chronic pancreatitis. He will have a rare 16-hour transplant surgery in Cincinnati, Ohio, next Tuesday, November 5. T.P.I.A.T is a very rare, serious surgery. He and his mom (Jen) will be in Ohio for about 4-6 weeks, possibly longer. Please pray the surgery is successful. A spaghetti dinner fundraiser is being hosted for him this Sunday, November 3, at Bethel United Methodist Church in Lower Burrell from 4-7 PM. The cost is $10 and takeout orders are available. Prayers please for my husband John. He’s in the hospital and coded blue today. He’s doing better now but could use the prayers going forward. Thank you Scariest day of my life! Frank was in the hospital for a severe asthma attack and is now home. Please pray for continued healing as his breathing is still very challenging. Great friends of mine just lost their son in a boating accident in Georgia. He was their only child, 23 years old and they are devastated. Cathy Domitrivic had back surgery Nov. 2. She is in severe pain while in rehab and does not feel she is getting the care she needs to keep the pain under control. Please pray that she will be able to return to her home and that she will get the care she needs.Kathie Slomkoski
Received: November 25, 2024
Chris Mechling
Received: November 24, 2024
Priscilla Larson
Received: November 24, 2024
Cyndy Lingenfelter
Received: November 18, 2024
Received: November 10, 2024
Received: November 1, 2024
Kathie Slomkoski
Received: October 31, 2024
Melissa L Phillips
Received: October 30, 2024
Barb Anderson
Received: October 23, 2024
Mary Venter
Received: October 23, 2024
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© Harvest Baptist Church 2020