prayer wall
This prayer wall is for anyone to submit prayer requests and praises. We encourage everyone to frequently visit this link and spend time praying over the requests and praises. Make sure to push the “I prayed for this” button once you’ve prayed. Let’s see how God moves in and through our church! You are loved.
You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Can you please pray for Nate Bargerstock.
He fell at work. Landed on his head on concrete from about 6 ft up. 2 brain bleeds lots of fractured bones in the skull and face..
Pray for his wife Kara as well . Thank you! Asking for continued prayer for my daughter, Amber. I don't know why I haven't seen a change in her, or healing from mental illness, addiction and no walk or trust in Jesus, but I ask that you all pray alongside me praying and believing that she will break free from these chains and receive and live for God.
Also for my ex-husband who is very sick with severe complications of diabetes, kidney failure, issues with his pancreas, but most of all he does not know the Lord.
For my oldest daughter, Roxanne to come back to the Lord and renew her faith.
For myself, healing of chronic health issues, finances, and most of all for a deeper faith and walk with Jesus. I want to serve HIM, see HIM and hear HIM in all things. I need a renewed fire in my heart.
Thank you all. Emily George is 32 weeks pregnant. Because of issues with high blood pressure the last 3 weeks she has been placed on complete bed rest. Please pray she doesn’t have to have the baby early, for Emily and the babies health and for her husband (my son) Collin. Thank you so much. my son Kevin had his ct scan and it showed that his incisional hernia has gotten bigger. Also it was seen that he has water on the liver. Not sure what this all means-BUT am very concerned-says he is in a lot of pain. I would truly appreciate your prayers for him Please pray for Ashley Lawson. She will be having a C-Section on October 18, 2020 at Magee Hospital. Jon and Ashley will be having a baby girl. Please pray the surgery will go well. Thank you! Update on my sister Barb: She found birth certificate but no raised seal. Has appointment with Dept. Vital Records in Harrisburg Monday, 10/5 at 2:00 PM. We arranged transportation to drive her to Harrisburg and back since we were concerned she'd fall asleep at the wheel (like she did back in April but thankfully was unhurt) due to working night shift job. Please pray for traveling mercies, no issues obtaining new certificate and that she will be hired for the new job! Thank you for joining me in prayer! Hello
I am going on my yearly spiritual fast again next week to repent of sin and seek Jesus' face, and be filled with
My walk with Jesus has been very dry, backslidden, and mostly lip-service.
My prayers are:
1) that there will be a hedge of spiritual protection from satan
2) that i will earnestly recommit to Jesus, seek His face, think His thoughts after Him.
3) that God will speak to me and I will have open ears to hear; Jesus would do a great work in me. To search
out any wicked ways in me and then confess and repent of them.
4) that I will obey Jesus. That the thorns and thistles in my life would not quench the Holy Spirit. That I would
be filled with the Joy of the Lord, willingly entering into the fellowship of Christ's sufferings and take up my
cross daily. To have the mindset of considering the tribulations of this present age as unworthy to be
compared to the glory that will be revealed in me. To treasure Jesus above all. That I would be a doer of
GOD's word, not just a hearer. To prove my love for HIM by obeying HIM. That HE would lead me into a
ministry according to the gifts of the Spirit, so when I stand at the bema seat I will hear “well done good and
faithful servant.
5) salvation for my family. They are all atheists. May GOD convict them of sin, the certainty of hell, and the
free Gift of Jesus' salvation. That GOD who destroy their idols that they would cry out to HIM.
6) healing of my tinnitus and herniated disc.
7) GOD's wisdom, guidance, and direction in what to do in this crumbling economy and culture; and the
courage to stand for the Lord even though it cost me relationships, life, property, freedom, and reputation.
8) Lastly, as the Holy Spirit leads you to pray for me.
I sense that terrible things are going to befall this nation and world, and that God is telling me that unless my
heart is right with HIM I will faint in the day of battle, that HE wants me to be like a city on a hill in sharing
the Gospel, and that there be no hypocrisy in me.
Pray for my wife, Laverne who will be having right knee replacement surgery on Tuesday, October 6th. Pray that the surgical procedure goes well. Pray for an event free recovery process, pain management, and subsequent physical therapy sessions. Would you add Robert niece to the Prayer wall she is 14 years old she was diagnosed with the covid19 and her family is quarantined for 2 weeks Please pray for my mother, Carolyn. She fell on Saturday because of increased pain. She was taken to the ER this afternoon. She has 2 fractured vertebrae in her neck. She is 87. I don’t know anything else right now. I would appreciate prayers from anyone at the church.Sharon Thompson
Received: October 9, 2020
Valerie Riordan
Received: October 9, 2020
Diane George
Received: October 8, 2020
Priscilla larson
Received: October 6, 2020
This prayer has been answered!
Darla Malone
Received: October 6, 2020
Sue Peterson
Received: October 4, 2020
Received: October 4, 2020
Joe Klanica
Received: October 3, 2020
Cheryl Williams
Received: September 30, 2020
Diane George
Received: September 28, 2020
Powered by Prayer Engine
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© Harvest Baptist Church 2020