prayer wall

This prayer wall is for anyone to submit prayer requests and praises. We encourage everyone to frequently visit this link and spend time praying over the requests and praises. Make sure to push the “I prayed for this” button once you’ve prayed. Let’s see how God moves in and through our church! You are loved.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 20 times.

Mary Venter

Dave has been struggling with a wound on his leg for four months and is being treated biweekly at a wound clinic. He has decreased blood supply to his legs which may account for how long it's taking to heal. Pray for wisdom for the Dr and that Dave will have no complications from the angiogram Wed. Also that I will be able to drive Dave home from the hospital. Thank you for your faithfulness to pray.

Received: May 23, 2021

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© Harvest Baptist Church 2020